Past Success For Our Clients

Results from the Lawyers of Cady Law Firm

McFadden v. Clifton

Verdict: $4,326,602.72
Christy McFadden was mauled by Chopper, a pit bull dog with a history of previous attacks and bites. Christy, a 35-year-old single mother of three children at the time of the attack, became disabled due to the attack and could no longer work. Christy suffered nerve damage and neuropathic pain which is severe, unrelenting, and permanent pain to her leg.

Estate of Herzog

Verdict: $3 million
Facts of the case remain confidential.

Rouse v. KC Live! LP

Verdict: $2.5 million
The plaintiff suffered a brain injury while being restrained by a bouncer. Mr. Rouse suffered significant brain hemorrhaging and medical experts testified this will affect his ability to function normally the remainder of his lifetime.

Confidential Settlement (Trucking Accident)

Settlement: $1,962,500

Decedents, both 67 years-old at the time of their deaths, were husband and wife. A semi-truck blew through a stop sign at approximately 53 m.p.h. in Clinton County, Missouri, in 2011, causing the instantaneous deaths of the driver and passenger.

Mr. Aulepp and Mr. Cady, lawyers for the family, investigated the cause of the crash. They discovered that in the few years leading up to the crash, the semi-truck driver had received several overweight tickets at the Kearney, Missouri weigh station on northbound I-35.

Our theory was that, in order to make up time for the delay in taking side streets, the truck driver decided he would not stop at stop-signs or follow the posted speed limits. Mr. Aulepp and Mr. cady also believed they could prove the practice of avoiding weigh scales was routine and even encouraged by the trucking company.

Although money will never bring back the family's loved ones, the family expressed a desire to make the trucking company pay in hopes that they would change their practices.

Mr. Aulepp and Mr. Cady were able to recover $1,962,500.00 for the family for the two wrongful deaths.

Confidential Settlement (Workplace Assault)

Settlement: $457,000
Plaintiff worked as a supervisor for a shipping company. Another employee assaulted him while at work. Plaintiff raised his arms in an attempt to protect himself and suffered a broken wrist and a rotator cuff tear. He endured multiple surgeries to correct these injuries and continues to suffer limited mobility with both his wrist and shoulder.

Childs v. City of Kansas City, Missouri

Verdict: $171,000
Childs sustained a soft tissue injury from tripping on an uneven sidewalk maintained by the City of Kansas City, Missouri.

Smith/King v. WWB Village Apartments

Verdict: $375,000
The plaintiffs, senior citizens, lived at a retirement village. Both women fell on sidewalks poorly maintained by the management company, WWB Villas.

Matthews v. Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission

Verdict: $467,500
Ms. Matthews tripped on an uneven sidewalk surface and sustained a shoulder separation and left tibia fracture from the fall. The plaintiff maintained that The Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission were negligent for not maintaining safe road conditions and using ordinary care to remedy the sidewalk surface.

McCrackin et al. v. Mize, Farmers Ins. Co. & Allstate Ins. Co.

Settlement: $150,000

On August 23, 2011, in Henry County, Missouri near MO Hwy 7 and County Road 571, defendant Connie Mize struck Donald Cupp's vehicle causing him to lose control. As a result of the collision Mr. Cupp died. Plaintiff's family hired the attorneys of Cady Law Firm to pursue their claims against the defendant, who only had $25,000 of insurance coverage through GEICO.

The lawyers at Cady Law Firm successfully obtained the full policy limits from GEICO, and collected the full policy limits from Farmers and Allstate for underinsured motorist coverage that Mr. Cupp had purchased.

Ralston v. Crown Equipment Corporation et al

Verdict: $313,000
Mr. Ralston suffered a broken leg while operating a standup forklift. The plaintiff maintained that the forklift was defective as it did not have a door or other similar guard to prevent such injuries.

Groves v. Meza (Wrongful Death)

Verdict: $255,000
Matt Groves stopped to help the driver of a vehicle who had run out of gas. While Matt and a friend were pushing the stalled vehicle into a parking lot a drunk driver struck Matt and his friend crushing them between the drunk driver's vehicle and the vehicle of the woman who had run out of gas. Matt died as a result of the crash. This case resulted in a judgment for Matt's family for $255,000.00. The drunk driver was sentenced to 79 months of prison.

Simpson v. Benmuvhar (Dog Bite)

Settlement: $75,000
On August 3, 2011, Christopher Martin, Jr., a 2 year-old at the time, was being babysat by a friend. When Christopher's mother came to pick him up, the family's pit bull dog, "Apollo", bit Christopher on the face one time causing injuries to his eye, nose, cheek, and chin. Christopher's mother rushed him to the hospital where docytors inserted a stint into his tear duct. A few months later the doctors removed the stint and Christopher made a full recovery. There was no permanent scarring, except on the back of the eyelid, and even that healed nicely and was fading. There wasn't really a question as to what happened, just a question as to damages. Plaintiff settled the case for $75,000.00.

Confidential Settlement (Aerial Lift Collapse)

Plaintiff was working in the basket of an aerial lift when the lift tipped over and plaintiff fell to the ground. The fall caused plaintiff to suffer a brain injury. The aerial lift manufacturer makes two models of the same machine, a safer model for Europe that will not operate unless the stabilizing supports are extended, and a less safe model for the United States that will operate even if the stabilizing supports are not extended. Defendant settled after they admitted in depositions that there was no benefit, but significant risk, to making the less safe model for the United States. This case resulted in a confidential settlement

Confidential Settlement (Defective Auto Seat / Seat Back Failure)

When plaintiff's vehicle struck a tree his seat back failed, collapsed rearward, and plaintiff flew out the back window of the vehicle. Plaintiff was wearing his seat belt, but nevertheless died a result of the crash. An expert testified that an aluminum folding lawn chair has a stronger seat back than the vehicle manufacturer's seat. The case settled shortly thereafter for a confidential amount.

Confidential Settlement (Seat Back Failure)

Plaintiff was stopped at a red light about to make a right-hand turn when defendant rear-ended plaintiff's vehicle. The collision shoved plaintiff's vehicle forward and that is when plaintiff's seat back failed. Plaintiff was wearing his seat belt. Plaintiff slid backwards out of his seat and hit his head on the rear seat of the vehicle. This case resulted in a confidential settlement.

Confidential Settlement (Railroad Crossing)

Plaintiffs were crossing railroad tracks when their vehicle was struck by a train. The train company had not properly maintained vegetation near the crossing such that trees and shrubbery obstructed the view of the oncoming train. Additionally, the train crew did not sound the horn as the train approached the crossing and inexplicably sped up instead of slowing down. This case resulted in a confidential settlement.

Hay v. Edwards

$1.1 million
Plaintiff was a 65 yr. old woman injured in a rear end collision with a 15 passenger van. Plaintiff's back was injured in the collision. Plaintiff ended up having a fusion of the L4-5 vertebra. She continues to have problems and will eventually need additional surgeries. A certified Life Care Planner estimated Plaintiff will need $250,000 for future care. The Defendant denied liability although evidence was presented that the Defendant knew the brakes were not working properly before the collision occurred. Defense claimed Plaintiff's pre-existing back problems were the cause of the injury and not the collision.

*Past results afford no guarantee of future results. Every case is different and must be judged on its own merits.

If you, or someone you know, has been injured, or lost a loved one, contact the experienced attorneys of Cady Law Firm, LLC. We can meet with you and discuss your case and your injury. When we take on a case we put our resources to work for our clients. We can meet with you wherever is most convenient for you.

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Cady Law Firm provides legal services throughout Missouri, including the communities of Kansas City, St. Louis, St. Louis City, Springfield, Birmingham, Blue Springs, Claycomo, Gladstone, Grain Valley, Grandview, Houston Lake, Independence, Lake Waukomis, Lee's Summit, Liberty, North Kansas City, Oakview, Oakwood, Oakwood Park, Parkville, Platte City, Platte Woods, Pleasant Valley, Randolph, Raytown, Riverside, Smithville, Sugar Creek, Weatherby Lake, and Weston. We also provide legal services in Clay County, Platte County, Jackson County, St. Louis City, St. Louis County, St. Charles County, and Greene County.

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